

ic Editor bwe-Editor

Disable / Enable Elementor Widgets

Developing tools that can be super useful, especially for the workflow, is in e-addons DNA.
How often does it happen to have widgets that you never use? Why bloat the editor with tools you don’t need?

With Disable/Enable Elementor Widgets, you can now optimize your tool, keeping just the Elementor Free Widgets and WordPress Widgets you really need.

e-addons Disable / Enable Elementor Widget
Skim your Editor from the many unused Elementor widgets

Clean Elementor Free editor from PRO ads

remove pro ads form editor free

If you use Elementor Free without PRO activated the Editor is full of annoying bloat about PRO features.

So this extension clean and hide all PRO ads from the Editor for a more comfortable workflow.

NOTE: if you have already bought and activate Elementor PRO this feature has no effect.

Remove all unneeded Elementor Widget

From the settings e-addons panel, you can control the activation of just the tools you need.

01 e addons framework disabllewidgets

In the Widgets list you can find and disable all Elementor Free Widgets and WordPress Widgets.

Happy cleaning!