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More Templates
Okay I’ve scoured the net and found about 35 different templating implementations. Some look quite promising, but it’ll take me a while to narrow it down to a few and start some serious testing. I would like to say for the record that HotScripts has what is possibly the worst search I have used in […]
Smarty and SmartTemplate
I’ve been looking and playing a lot with Smarty and SmartTemplate, trying to get a feel for each and decide which (if either) WordPress should go with. Neither is really right for the job; Smarty does far too much, while SmartTemplate is clunky in comparison and execution. SmartTemplate is ridiculously fast, but the syntax is […]
A small computer crisis has caused me to lose a couple of days of work on WordPress, but never fear, redoing something is always quicker than doing it the first time. More frequent check-ins to the CVS in the future will be a must.
The .7 Release
The major enhancements for the .7 release have been outlined in the future section. The features we’ve chosen to focus on for this first release may seem trivial, but in fact each represents major groundwork being laid for future enhancements to WordPress, as well as items that will add significant value to users. There will […]
Paginate in case of huge items number
POST Request
Send Post payload data on your request call
WordPress Rest API
Full support to native API
Full support to Elastic API to read Documents
Query Rest API
EndPoint URL
The remote url of API service
Require Authorization
Optional User and Password or Token access for private area
Set if different from default 80
Connection Timeout
Sometimes the service could be longer than standard timeout
Ignore certificate
Enable it if remote service is not on ssl
Many ways to manage request data and manipulate the response, some generics like standard GET and POST and more specific for WORDPRESS and ELASTICSEARCH
GET & POST extra arguments
If you need to pass more data into your request, like authentication info, filter values, etc, you can add them defining for each one its own key accepted by the service and its value, maybe loaded via Dynamic Tag
WordPress Native API REST
Post Type
Set here the name of your CPT or leave default posts visualization.
Also different object types are supported, like “users”, “categories” and so on
Load Fields
By default you get only the ID of related post objects, like:
- Author
- Feature Media
- Categories
- Tags
Enable them to get full data of those object.
WARNING: this will increase load time, because each object require an extra request to WP remote service
Elastic Search
You can write your custom Query DSL (optionally dynamic with Twig), copy it from Kibana and execute here
Remove Quote
Optional, clean _source data from extra quotes added by elastic response
Load Document ID Object from Fields
Enable it to retrieve full data of main fields referenced only by Document ID.
Specify all fields, once per line, you want to fill with full data. Separate sub keys with a dot.
Level Depth
Maybe you need to expand fields of loaded documents nested on main document, so define how many iteration recursion you want to execute
WARNING: this will increase load time, because each Document require an extra request to Elastic remote service
Archive Rows
Archive Array Sub path
Set here optionally the index of sub array into the JSON result, separate each level with a dot
Rows per Page
Define how many result per page, necessary if activate the Pagination
Optional to modify the results display number
You can optimize page load with Enable Cache which will be valid for a defined amount of time until it will be refreshed.
Rest API Fields
We wanted to create a way to visualize, sort, and manage every type of data into the spreadsheet to generate complete lists in all its parts.
Display elements
- Custom Field, a column field
- Static (text, image, icon, code)
- Loop Index
- A custom Elementor Template
Each type of element is customizable in all its parts with dedicated parameters in order to achieve maximum control.
All configurations for the style are accessible immediately while creating the items.
As if that wasn’t enough, some advanced parameters let you refine the visualization and its behavior.
Query Rest API
Several display styles are available for all e-Query widgets that will allow you to get the navigation approach you want.