The field return Integer and Float values, so with prices and decimals
Specifies the interval between legal numbers in the input field, default is 1

Number Float
Decimals are now supported by default thanks to this extension, if you disable it the fields return only integer values.
Optional, you can set legal numbers: could be -3, 0, 3, 6, 0.1, etc.
Add a Javascript support, provided by AutoNumeric libary, to let you customize the numeric visualization of the input number.
Optional, an extra symbol automatically append or prepend the insert number
Force a minimum amount of decimals precision
Decimal Separator
Change from default dot to another separator
Thousand Separator
Change from default no separator to a visual separator choosing from supported one
Clean Value
Remove all extra char to store a clean number
Ex: “1’234,56$” => 1234.56