Fetch and manipulate XML data from RSS Feed services
Limit elements

RSS Feed
The url of the service which will provide the RSS service
Single or Archive
Define if display data is a Single field of the RSS Channel, like the title or description, or the array of news items which generate the Archive.
RSS Extra Info
If Single info write here the name of the field.
The semantic of the tag which contain the info. Set Template to write your own custom HTML structure.
Limit and Offset
If you have a too large amount of results you can display only a subset
Enable Cache
If your service can’t support a massive query and you don’t need a fresh data for every call, it’s better to enable cache with a max age time, so your site will refresh data only when needed.
RSS Archive
The url of the service which will provide the RSS service
News Template
An HTML Template with dynamic DATA, where there are the following placeholder for standard info:
- [title], the title of the news
- [description], the excerpt of the news
- [link], the url of the original news page
- [image], the first image of the news if provided by the feed
Use Twig or Tokens to add extra custom fields with “rss” variable.
Limit and Offset
If you have a too large amount of results you can display only a subset
Enable Cache
If your service can’t support a massive query and you don’t need a fresh data for every call, it’s better to enable cache with a max age time, so your site will refresh data only when needed.

RSS Style
Customize the Blocks in the Archive News
Add style to Single info or News Title in the Archive
Extra style option for the News excerpt in Archive
Multiple style controls for the Read more button on News in Archive
This style will works only on default RSS News Template
RSS Feed
BBC News
BBC News - World