We love these icons. Modern clear and simple.

A place to share inspiring and useful things.
In case you've missed one of the best blogs online. Leo Babauta and its zen habit essential blog.
Do you like soccer? This is site is really inspiring about fashion, design, and soccer apparel.
From Sydney a great studio. We like their Instagram more than their website.. Don't tell them
Great websites and super smooth webGL transitions. Brilliant Aristide!
We have been following this designer for many years. Here is his list of inspirational sites. Fantastic.
Their mission is to teach 1 billion people. 100% doable. Their courses are great!
Great resource if you're on a budget but still want personality and nice typography. Like this one!
Great color selection already made by the super inspiring Tobias Van Schneider
EF design projects include brand books and a great variety of visual projects.
Trend-conscious quality fonts for your everyday designs. All fonts are free to try!
A.K.A. Interface lovers, an inspiring magazine to get to know digital professionals
Without a doubt one of the best sites of 2020. Fresh and minimal with a contemporary twist. Great work by Mandelbrot
We've found this hi-end mockups resource. Stunning pics case your work deserves it.
A Trello roadmap to improve design skills. Great starting point, lots of useful resources.
Some people are pushing the web beyond its limits. Zhenya is definitely one of them. Have a look and be inspired by her stunning work.
Need some new fonts inspiration?
This Newsletter is pretty useful and accurate.
Generate your next color palette easily. Pick the right colors with this amazing tool.