Print all info about your media uploaded in library
Dynamic Tag
Print each info about your Media in library
Base texts
Post Common
Custom Meta Fields
Meta Data
Media Fields
Media Field
Choose from standard media text contents, like:
- Title, the main Title of the media
- Alternative Text, the text display when the image is not loaded
- Caption, quick description of the media
- Description, long description of the media
- Meta Data, hidden stored information about the media, like ISO, size, time, location, etc
- Mime Type, what kind of document is it, like pdf, jpg, doc, etc
- Link, like Permalink o direct File URL
- Date, all dates about the media, like uploaded time
- Post Common, all extra Post data (because the Media is a Post), like Comment, ID, Author, etc
- Custom, retrieve the value of any Media Meta Custom Field by its Meta name
Custom Meta
Search here the name of the Custom Field

Specify the Media from you want retrieve the data
- Featured Image, current Post related media
- WP Objects, dynamically fetch media from any Post/User/Author custom field
- Site Option, pick a global option, by default the theme logo
- Other, pick directly from the Media Library the wanted media
Display any info about the Media
e-addons media dynamic tag
Upload Date: 2021-04-14 15:24:25
Type: image/svg+xml