Data Listing
Manage every structure data in a styled archive loop!
Take advantage of the multiple Skins available and easy customization.
Data Rows
Read every kind of structured data, from:
- Dynamic Tag Shortcode
- Dynamic Tag Twig
- Dynamic Tag Gallery
- Dynamic Tag Form
- etc…
The Tag must return an Array or a Json valid string.
Fallback Rows
Optionally set a static Json array as fallback content with same structure of the source data

Custom Field
Print each field of the item of the array in multiple format:
- Text, single line of text with multiple semantic tags
- Image, many style configuration and a Fallback image
- Textarea, for multiple lines text or wysiwyg
- oEmbed, for all type of video or media
- Number, a formatted number (like a price)
- etc…
You can fetch also sub fields, separating keys with a dot, like: “title.rendered”, “”
Advanced data
Item Type Static
If you need a particular structure of block HTML mixed with your structured data you can print them with Twig.
Twig let you consent to print cycle, like a FOR or make conditions with a IF.
Dynamic Tag Row Field
If you need a custom layout for your data you can render block with a Template, so you can fetch current item values via this specific Dynamic Tag.

Read a Json data flow
Molecule Man
- Radiation resistance
- Turning tiny
- Radiation blast
Madame Uppercut
- Million tonne punch
- Damage resistance
- Superhuman reflexes
Eternal Flame
- Immortality
- Heat Immunity
- Inferno
- Teleportation
- Interdimensional travel