Paginate your huge rows number
Filter rows
Set filters based on cell values
Add only wanted columns

Query SpreadSheet
Query Type
Fetch the spreadsheet file from:
- Custom Path, specify the relative path and file name starting from WP root folder
- Media Library, upload your spreadsheet into library and select it
Has Header Row
Define if first row contain column names
Clean empty rows
Ignore rows with all empty cells, so skip them in visualization
Number of Rows/Offset/Limit
Decide how many rows display per page
Order By
Set a different order than source
Row Filter
Add multiple filter to rows, based on cell value, compare them with common operators.

How to identify Columns name
You can use standard nomenclature defined by spreadsheet with alphabet letters: A, B, C, X, Y, Z, AA, AB…
If you enabled the Header Row you can also use the Col name.
Spreadsheet Items
Use all columns data
We wanted to create a way to visualize, sort, and manage every type of data into the spreadsheet to generate complete lists in all its parts.

Display elements
- Custom Field, a column field
- Static (text, image, icon, code)
- Loop Index
- A custom Elementor Template
Each type of element is customizable in all its parts with dedicated parameters in order to achieve maximum control.
All configurations for the style are accessible immediately while creating the items.
As if that wasn’t enough, some advanced parameters let you refine the visualization and its behavior.
Query SpreadSheet
Several display styles are available for all e-Query widgets that will allow you to get the navigation approach you want.
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Read from XLSX
Student Name | Home State | Major | Extracurricular Activity |
Alexandra | CA | English | Drama Club |
Anna | NC | English | Basketball |
Becky | SD | Art | Baseball |
Carrie | NE | English | Track & Field |
Dorothy | MD | Math | Lacrosse |
Ellen | WI | Physics | Drama Club |
Fiona | MA | Art | Debate |
Josephine | NY | Math | Debate |
Karen | NH | English | Basketball |
Lisa | SC | Art | Lacrosse |
Mary | AK | Physics | Track & Field |
Maureen | CA | Physics | Basketball |
Olivia | NC | Physics | Track & Field |
Pamela | RI | Math | Baseball |
Stacy | NY | Math | Baseball |