

e-addons for Elementor

Skin Grid

It’s time to give your archives a layout!

Skin Grid allows you to customize your archives in a grid visualization, representing all your results in blocks with the content and style you want.

Easily redesign your Archive Pages with the power of the Query Widgets!

eaddons skin grid query views
Easily redesign your Archive Pages with the power of the Query Widgets


skin grid

The grid skin is responsive and allows you to manage blocks in 3 logics: Flex, Masonry e Blog.


Responsive Columns.
From 1 to 7.

Flex grow: 0(zero) or 1

The flex grid has horizontal and vertical alignments.

  • Top or Left
  • Center or Middle
  • Bottom or Right
  • Space Between
  • Space Around
  • Stretch (Vertical flex align)
skin grid masonry


The grid in method Masonry.


The BLOG style grid consists of 2 parts: the first element and all others.

It is possible to define logics for the 2 grids.

1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 2/3, 3/4, 3/5, 4/5

Grid alignments

  • Horizontal position
  • Vertical position
skin grid blog



These parameters allow you to control the graphic style of the blocks.

  • Text alignment
  • Vertical flex align
  • Background
  • Border
  • Padding
  • Margin
skin grid block style
skin grid style



  • Columns (horizontal)
  • Rows (vertical)

see all skins

Gallery Grid Rombs
eaddons skin grid query views
e-addons skin carousel query views
e-addons Skin Dual-Slider query views
e-addons Skin Timeline query views
e-addons Skin Justified Grid media query
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QueryViews cards
scroll Horizzontal
QueryViews accordion
acf MapLocator
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