

ic Pro Form Actions bwe-ProForm Actions


If you are looking for a new style for “thank you message” or you want some advanced features like hiding the form or revealing reserved content after submitting, our e-addons Message form action will be your ultimate solution.

Create custom-designed content with our message generator action for Elementor Pro Form
form action message


You can add this Action selecting it as other standard actions from Form > Content > Actions After Submit > Add Action.

Preview in Editor
Let you display the result message in Editor Preview without the need to submit the Form.
This preview will be visible only in editor mode.

Message Text
Here you can write your own custom message, you can place Dynamic data from submitted form fields using the Form Field shortcodes (example: [field id=”custom_id”]).
If you use the Dynamic Tags Template on this field you can use an Elementor Template instead the Text produced by the Wysiwyg

Remove default icon
Prevent the default icon added by Elementor

Floating message
The message will appear as a Toast notification on a corner of the screen

Close button
Add a simple button on the angle of the message, so user can hide it.

Hide Form after submit
The form will disappear and will remain only the message

Messages Style
If you enable this action you can find a dedicated section in Style Tab with common style controls.


Messages after submit