Change on Frontend the Order of your Archives

Archive Order By
Order By
Generate a single Field Form with the Order Selector.
Different Types are available: select, radio, text and hidden.
You can configure multiple options, in this format:
- Label is the readable text of this choice
- Field is the post field name or custom meta field name, separated by a pipe
- Direction is optional, separated by a slash, can be ASC or DESC, by default ASC
- Type is optional, separated by a slash, possible values are ‘NUMERIC’, ‘BINARY’, ‘CHAR’, ‘DATE’, ‘DATETIME’, ‘DECIMAL’, ‘SIGNED’, ‘TIME’, ‘UNSIGNED’, by default text (CHAR)
Input Size
The dimension of the input
Show Label
Prepend the Label before the input
Label Position
Display the Label above or inline
Field Input Width
In Style Tab you can force the input Width, by default is 100%
This widget require a Form with Posts Search Action, configure its Unique Element ID in the Extra Widgets repeater in Form Action.
You can obtain the ID easily with e-addons Copy/Paste extension.
Title and Date Order
2021 / Mar / 22

Sed nibh nibh facilisis euismod
2021 / Mar / 22

Praesent at ex mi. Phasellus faucibus
2021 / Mar / 22

Nulla dictum eget ipsum non euismod
2020 / Aug / 12

Donec rhoncus non nulla in vulputate