When you add Login action to Actions After Submit a new Section will appear.
UserName or Email / Password
This should contain the shortcode of the field used for the related value. Change the id of the field with the correct one. It can’t be empty.
Remember Me
It can be empty and it’s optional. If you set the correct field shortcode it allow to save Cookie
User Login Error Message
You can set a custom error message if credentials are not valid. If empty it will be display the standard WP message.
Ignore Actions if user is already Logged In
Prevent action execution if the User is logged in. A better solution is Show this form with e-addons Display only if user is a Visitor.
Stop Actions on Error
Prevent the execution of next Actions, like a redirect
Easily create a Custom Login Form
No more embarrassing redirect to wp-login page!
All is working in ajax and you can redirect user after login to a custom page