

ic ACF bwe-MAP

Map Skin

Using position data on your content (posts, terms, users, media and even repeaters) you can generate a map-based view, ideal for stores, apartments, or any need that takes advantage of geographic locations.

Create a multi-location map from query

Google Maps API

This Widget REQUIRE the Google Maps API key, so first of all obtain it for free from Google
and insert it in Elementor > Settings > Integration page.

elementor settings google maps api integration


skin maps

The MAP skin generates multi-position maps from any query widgets data, requires a custom-meta based on ACF google maps, but which is simply an address in the text field (exploited geolocator search).

Maps Options

Select the key of the custom field that records the position data, it can be a custom-meta object produced by plugins (ex: ACF), but also a simple text data with address, or latitude and longitude like (-34.397, 150.644).

You must indicate it in the Data Type.

skin map 1
acf MapLocator

Take a look at the Maps widget for more info.


Choose the marker (pin) or upload a custom image to show on the map.

skin map MARKER

Pick the map style, colors or rendering method.

skin map STYLES
My Locatiion

Indicates whether to show the location of the logged-in user.




The controls provided by GoogleMap allow you to manage the mouse/touch interactivity and the visual tools in the ui.


  • Mouse scroll (zoom)
  • Pan Control (zoom)
  • Rotate Touch
  • Scale Touch

UI Tools

  • Map Type
  • Street view mode
  • (+) (-) Zoom
  • Full Screen mode
skin map controls
skin map clusterer

Marker Cluster

Enable the clusterer to improve map viewing when you have a lot of markers.

You can also customize the color and size of the symbol.

Custom center and zoom

By default, the center is based on the group of map pins, to view them all.

It’s possible to move the center and the zoom of the map to a different point.

Hold SHIFT + CLICK on the map to define a custom center point.

The “GO” button shows the preview.

skin map custom center



Basic example

see all skins

Gallery Grid Rombs
eaddons skin grid query views
e-addons skin carousel query views
e-addons Skin Dual-Slider query views
e-addons Skin Timeline query views
e-addons Skin Justified Grid media query
e-addons skin table
QueryViews cards
scroll Horizzontal
QueryViews accordion
acf MapLocator
skin simple list